- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- First cut up your shaved steak into small bite size piece, then add steak, peppers, and onions to the fryer pan with 1-ounce of olive oil, and a few shakes of salt and pepper. Now cook for about 4 to 6 minutes. When all of your ingredients are cooked, place in a bowl to cool off and drain liquids.
- On a flat floured surface place your dough and start to stretch it out in a circler motion, and roll out with a floured rolling pin, until it stops stretching, you want to have your dough in an oval shape for stuffing it.
- Keeping the dough on a well floured surface, will make for an easy transfer, to the oven; now start with a layer of American cheese for the bottom towards the middle of the dough. Next add your cooked ingredients steak/peppers/onions to the top of the cheese, spreading it as evenly as you can. On top of the mixture, you then add some salt and pepper evenly across the top with one more layer of cheese. Once this is done your ready to close up your calzone,
- Start by folding the top part on the dough over the bottom of the dough. Now crimp the edges of the dough with a fork all around the dough. Brush on some olive oil to the top and the sides of the dough.
- Slide your calzone onto non-stick foil and place on the oven rack. Poke about 6 holes on the top of the calzone, with a knife to vent during cooking.
- Bake for about 25 to 35 minutes until there’s a golden brown color all round the dough.
- When done place on a flat surface and cool for about 10 to 15 minutes, and slice into desired portions.